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12V 200mA grounded power supply for KPC-3+, KPC-9612+, KAM-XL and most Kantronics TNC's



CAB K101

Kantronics 1200 baud TNC to radio cable.

  • DB-9(m) to 6 pin mini DIN plug.
  • Connects 1200 baud port on Kantronics TNC to most late model VHF/UHF dual band FM transceivers with DATA port.

    Compatible models include but not limited to:
  • KENWOOD:TM-733A, V7A, V708A, V71A, D700A, D710A/G
  • ICOM: IC-706MKIIG, Ic-2720, IC-7100
  • YAESU: FT-100, 875/D, 897/D, 7800, 8800 and 8900



CAB K102

DB-9(m) to 6 pin mini DIN plug. Connects Kantronics KPC-3/+ TNC to Icom IC-7000 DATA port.



CAB K103

DB-9(m) to Yaesu 2 pin speaker mic. Connects 1200 baud port on Kantronics TNC to Yaesu HT's such as FT-23, 411 and FT-530.



CAB K104

DB-9(m) to Icom 2 pin speaker mic with straight connector. Connects 1200 baud port on Kantronics TNC to Icom HT. Compatible models such as IC-2AT, O2AT, T2H and T7H. Specifically not included is the ID-51A




DB-9(m) to Icom 2 pin speaker mic with right angle connector. Connects 1200 baud port on Kantronics TNC to Icom HT. Specifically made for the ID-51A but will work with other Icom radios with speaker mic jack on the side of the radio.



CAB K105

DB-9(m) to Yaesu single pin speaker mic. Connects 1200 baud port on Kantronics TNC to Yaesu HT's such as the FT-1DR, 2DR, VX-5R, FT-50, 60R and 70DR. Specifically excludes water proof models with threaded speaker mic connections. This cable also fits Icom models with single pin speaker mic such as the IC-P7A



CAB K106

DB-9(m) to Yaesu threaded single pin speaker mic. Connects 1200 baud port on Kantronics TNC to Yaesu HT's such as the VX-6R, VX-7R, FT-170 and 270.



CAB K107

DB-9(m) to Kenwood 2 pin speaker mic. Connects 1200 baud port on Kantronics TNC to all Kenwood hand held VHF/UHF transceivers EXCEPT TH-2500. Also fits Chinese radios that are speaker mic compatible with Kenwood. Models include but not limited to Tytera, Wouxun and, Baofeng.



CAB K108

DB-9(m) to Kenwood 13P DIN accessory. Connects 1200 baud port on Kantronics TNC to Kenwood transceivers such as TS-2000S and 2000X



CAB K109

DB-9(m) to Yaesu RJ-45 mic and external speaker. Connects 1200 baud port on Kantronics TNC to Yaesu mobile radios such as FT-2400 and FT-2500.



CAB K110

DB-9(m) to Icom RJ-45 mic and external speaker. Connects 1200 baud port on Kantronics TNC to Icom mobile radios such as IC-2100, 2200, 2300, 2730, 4100, 5100 and V8000.



CAB K111

DB-9(m) to Yaesu RJ-12 mic and external speaker. Connects 1200 baud port on Kantronics TNC to Yaesu mobile radios such as FT-1802R, 1900R, 2900/2980R and FTM-3100/3200/7250 as well as others.


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CAB K112

DB-9(m) to Icom 8Pin mini DIN. Connects 1200 baud port on Kantronics TNC to Icom mobile radios such as ID-800H.



CAB K113

DB-9(m) to Icom 13 pin DIN. Connects 1200 baud port on Kantronics TNC to Icom transceivers such as IC-7000, 7100 and 9100.



CAB K114

DB-9(m) to Icom 8 pin DIN. Connects 1200 baud port on Kantronics TNC to Icom transceivers. Works with IC-820H, 821H and IC-9700*. Also works with HF radios with 8 pin DIN ACC port when 1200 baud PACKET is desired for 10M use.

*Note: When used with IC-9700 the KPC-3+ TX TAIL command must be advanced to accommodate the internal delay of the IC-9700. We suggest a starting point of 30.

Feel free to call us if you have any questions regarding the IC-9700.



CAB K115

DB-9(m) to Kenwood RJ-45 mic and external speaker. Connects 1200 baud port on Kantronics TNC to Kenwood mobile radios such as TM-261A, 271A and 281A and other radios that are microphone compatible with Kenwood.



CAB K116

DB-9(m) to Icom round 8 pin mic and external speaker. Connects 1200 baud port on Kantronics TNC to Icom mobile radios such as IC-25A, 27A, 28A/H, 251A.



CAB K117

DB-9(m) to Kenwood round 8 pn mic and external speaker. Connects 1200 baud port on Kantronics TNC to Kenwood mobile radios such as TM-221A, 231A, 241A, 621A, 721A, 731A and other radios that are microphone compatible with Kenwood.



CAB K118

DB-9(m) to Alinco DB-9(m). Connects 1200 baud port on Kantronics TNC to Alinco mobile radios such as DR-135T, 235T and 245T.



CAB K119

DB-9(m) to Alinco RJ-45 mic and external speaker. Connects 1200 baud port on Kantronics TNC to Alinco mobile radios such as DR-140T and 605T.


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CAB K120

DB-9(m) to Anytone mobile with RJ45 microphone. Connects 1200 baud port on Kantronics TNC to Anytone RJ45. NOTE: Not all Anytone mobile radios with RJ45 mic will work. The AT-D578UV WILL NOT WORK and there may be others. Please contact us to confirm compatibility with your model.



CAB K121

DB-9(m) to Yaesu 8 pin mic. Connects 1200 baud port on Kantronics TNC to Yaesu FT-212RH and FT-2200M only.


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CAB K122

DB-9(m) to Yaesu 8 pin mini DIN. Connects 1200 baud port on Kantronics TNC to Yaesu FTM-350R



CAB K123

DB-9(m) to Alinco round 8 pin mic and external speaker jack. Connects 1200 baud port on Kantronics TNC to Alinco DR-110, 112, 130, 140, and 430.


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CAB K124

DB-9(m) to Alinco single pin threaded speaker mic. Connects 1200 baud port on Kantronics TNC to Alinco G17 and 29.



CAB K127

DB-9(m) to Yaesu 10 pin DIN. Connects 1200 baud port on Kantronics TNC to Yaesu FTM-100DR, 200DR 300DR, 400DR/XDR, 500DR and FTM-6000.



CAB K128

DB-9(m) to Motorola 16 pin accy. Connects 1200 baud port on Kantronics TNC to Motorola GM-300, 400 and Maxtrac.


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CAB K130

DB-9(m) to Icom 24 pin. Connects 1200 baud port on Kantronics TNC to Icom transceivers such as IC-271A/ and IC-471A/H.



CAB K134

Kantronics 1200 baud TNC to radio cable.

  • DB-9(m) to 3.5mm 4 cond plug
  • Connects 1200 baud port on Kantronics TNC to Baofeng mobile VHF/UHF dual band FM transceivers with TRRS port.

    Compatible models include but not limited to:
  • Btech:UV-25x2, UV-25x4 UV-50x2



CAB K137

DB-9(m) to Yaesu 2 pin speaker mic. Connects 1200 baud port on Kantronics TNC to Yaesu HT's with the NARROW pin configuration including the FT-4XR, FT-4VR and FT-65R.



CAB K138

Connects Kantronics 1200 baud port DB-9(m) to Retevis RT-95 RJ-45 mic and external speaker.



CAB K139

DB-9(m) Icom IC-705. Connects 1200 baud port on Kantronics TNC to the IC-705 SPKR/MIC jack.



CAB K140

Kantronics 1200 baud TNC to Icom IC-9700 cable.

  • Connects 1200 baud port on Kantronics TNC to the IC-9700 MIC and PHONE jacks. Due to an internal transmit audio delay from the rear panel ACC port, this cable is required to use an external modem with the IC-9700.

  • $39.95


    CAB K210

    DB-15(m) to Yaesu 10 pin DIN. Connects 9600 baud port on Kantronics TNC to Yaesu FTM-100DR, 200DR, 300DR, 400DR/XDR, 500DR and FTM-6000.



    CAB K411CW

    This TNC to radio cable connects the 8 pin DIN HF port of your Kantronics KAM or KAM Plus to late Yaesu transceivers 6 pin mini DIN rear panel DATA/RTTY port. This cable supports AFSK and FSK operation. KAM and KAM Plus HF modes include: Packet, PACTOR, GTOR, AMTOR, RTTY and ASCII.


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    Install internal 9V battery clip in KPC-3+ (9V battery NOT included). This is a SERVICE that is performed on a Kantronics KPC-3+ purchased at the same time.



    • ALL Mode Dual Port Modem
    • Packet:
      (300/1200/9600 baud)
    • GTOR, Pactor I, RTTY, CW
    • Dual Port Mailbox
    • HF and/or VHF/UHF Operations
    • plus many more features...



    • Updated 1200 BAUD PACKET W/512K RAM
    • Now includes a USB(B)port
      Uses a optional Cal 72-128-6 USB A/B cable.
    • "Keyboard to keyboard" communications
    • Digipeater
    • Personal Mail Box
    • Local Area Node
    • Remote access of telemetry
    • Usable with base, mobile or hand-held radios
    • plus many more features...



    • Updated 1200 BAUD PACKET W/512K RAM
    • Uses DB-25 Serial port
    • "Keyboard to keyboard" communications
    • Digipeater
    • Personal Mail Box
    • Local Area Node
    • Remote access of telemetry
    • Usable with base, mobile or hand-held radios
    • plus many more features...



    • Dual Port Packet Modem:
      Port 1: 1200 baud
      Port 2: 4800/9600/19200/38400bps w/DFSK modulation
    • "Keyboard to keyboard" communications
    • Digipeater
    • Local Area Node
    • Remote access of telemetry data
    • >
    • RS-232 port for PC connection
    • plus many more features...



    • Dual Port Packet Modem:
      Port 1: 1200 baud
      Port 2: 4800/9600/19200/38400bps w/DFSK modulation
    • "Keyboard to keyboard" communications
    • Digipeater
    • Local Area Node
    • Remote access of telemetry data
    • >
    • Now with USB port for PC connection
    • plus many more features...



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